25 April 2011

Hasta Luego, Guatemala!

By: Liz Aycock, March 25, 2011

Our group in front of Lake Atitlan.
Surrounded by Volcanoes San Pedro, Santiago, and Toleman.

Saying goodbye to Guatemala was incredibly difficult. I know I’m not the only one who felt so at home there, even though we didn’t really “fit in.” Getting on the plane I couldn’t believe it was the end of such an amazing week. There was laughter, intense discussions, hard work, lots of lacquer, extreme games of catch phrase in which we all bow down to Ginny as the winner, cold showers, delicious street fruit, delicious food in general, beautiful skylines, being enveloped in clouds, kids stealing cameras, kids screaming, kids that were all adorable, too cool for school six graders, girls beating the boys in basketball, a ceremony thanking us for our work that moved me to tears, Daniel being used as a human jungle gym, beautifully woven bags, scarves, and more, and the list goes on. Returning to UGA after such an awesome spring break seems unreal. I’m going to steal a quote from Ian: “I feel like we’ve left the real world by returning to UGA.” But our world is real- we just have to burst the bubble that is college and see what good we can help here. We just have to keep everything in perspective. Start small. Maybe then we can make a lasting impact on the world.

Our trip could not have been as successful as it was without the wonderful guidance of our amazing program directors- Karen and Ginny. Y’all are the bomb.com. I still have “Karen! Karen! Karen!” ringing in my ears from all the third-graders screaming your name. Thank you both so much! Also both of you, Dana, Jared, Hudson, and Cat all need to come to Athens so we can take you guys out Georgia style.

Lots of Love and GO DAWGS!,

Liz and girls from Cooperativa in front of some of our book cases.

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