25 April 2011

Leaving Our Mark

By: Kelsey, March 15, 2011

“Abi Kelsey”, “Abi Anna”, “Abi Jesse”, “Abi Liz”… This is how we introduced ourselves to the 5th grade class of Central using our only knowledge of Kaqchikel. From there, we separated into four groups to review color, numbers and food all in English. All the while, the rest of the group was working hard to finish up the library at the Primaria Cooperativa down the road.

This is Moses. He is ten years old and is awesome. He’s in second grade, likes soccer and had great hula-hooping skills. He was one of many great kids we got to know today. All were super interactive, energetic and just overall loving towards us. Despite the occasional language barrier we seemed to get into long extensive conversations. Many of the girls could not understand why us 20 year old girls did not have “esposos,” or husbands.

The library looks fantastic. The two creative men of our group designed an artistic logo that will be forever displayed on the wall of this school. Now the children have new tables and chairs as well as new bookshelves to house the books that have been sitting in storage unused. We are looking forward to the big reveal on Thursday morning!

More tomorrow!

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